More Info:
- The Basics of the Paleo Diet
- What are the advantages of the Paleo Diet?
- Testimonials about the Paleo Diet
- How to lose weight with the Paleo Diet
- Cooking on the Paleo Diet
- What am I allowed to eat?
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Cooking on the Paleo Diet
Counting calories in preparation for a meal is not part of the Paleo diet. You may eat the allowed foods to your heart’s content. Enjoy it; it is not only allowed, they’re encouraged. If you don’t let yourself eat, sooner or later you’ll get cravings.
On your shopping trips, go where organic foods from your region are sold. Also remember seasonal products. Buy meat from grass-fed animals and animals hunted in the wild.
If some products aren’t available, don’t feel guilty if you have to resort to alternatives.
You do not need new cooking habits for the Paleo diet. Basically, you should cook the food as our Stone Age ancestors would have over a fire, for example; grilling meat and fish is recommended as a method of cooking. Eat foods raw, cook them, bake them – it’s all possible.
We recommend purchasing a slow cooker to prepare food. By cooking at low heat, it not only results in very soft meat, but vegetables keep their nutrients too.
Fresh fruits and vegetables should be part of every meal – whether by themselves or as a sweet side dish to meat, fish and poultry.
Season your food with herbs, spices, curries, chili, pepper and everything tastes good.
Eat regularly!
Try to stick to three main meals. Always eat as much as you can until you start feeling sick. Snacks in between are allowed.
Good planning is especially important for working professionals
Prepare twice as much during the evenings so you have food for the next workday. Choose meals you can take with you in a lunch box. Cold sirloin steak and grilled turkey breast, raw vegetables, salad and chopped fruit are ideal. Also: keep a bottle of olive oil in your office.